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The French
Detective Deck

You have been hired to investigate a series of art thefts in Paris. Can you correctly match each suspect with their stolen portrait and it's value before you are exposed as an art thief?


The French Detective deck is a standard 52 card deck featuring 16th century card designs from Rouen, France. You can test your logic skills against friends with the game French Detectives or enjoy your favorite card games with an old style deck.


Launching on Kickstarter in Spring 2024!
Click the button on the right
to follow the campaign!
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The Janken Deck, King's Keys and Dark Hand including all art, face cards, suits, and pips is copyright 2017 by Jeffrey Daymont. Jeffrey Daymont retains all rights to the intellectual property of the card games including but not limited to video games, mobile apps, cartoons, TV shows and movies.

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© 2017 by Jeffrey Daymont

All Images and Art Copyright 2017

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